interview, Souldivez, book project

Interview: Become who you are

In conversation with Julia von Winterfeldt

Link to the book

What was the inspiration behind founding SoulDivez and how did the idea of supporting young people develop their potential come about?

The idea for SoulDivez came about at one of my executive retreats when a participant asked if there was something similar for young people as well. She noticed that many young people are disoriented, know little about their own abilities and values and start working life unprepared. This moment made me want to develop a program for young people, especially for my goddaughters. This is how SoulDivez was born to help young people reach their full potential.

Insight into the book, chapter page “Show up”

What is the typical process of the SoulDivez program and what results can participants expect?

The Souldivez program consists of four phases:

  1. Immersion: In this phase, participants recognize their existing strengths and abilities as well as their passions.
  2. Dive in: This is about exploring more deeply what brings them meaning and joy and which values are important to them.
  3. Emerging: In this phase, they identify obstacles that are holding them back and learn to recognize internal and external influences that may be preventing them from taking their desired path.
  4. Get started: Finally, they develop new beliefs and find out what support they need to successfully go their way.

Participants leave the program with a clear understanding of themselves, their goals and a strengthened sense of self-confidence.

Chapter page” My passions & sources of inspiration”

Can you share any success stories you've experienced while working with SoulDivez?

It is a particularly great success to see the inner luminosity of young people when they recognize who they are and what is important to them in life. Some participants find their dream job, others clarify their values and goals. It is inspiring to see how they leave the program with a clear vision and increased self-confidence. They also benefit enormously from support within the group, which strengthens their self-confidence and self-confidence.

book cover


What are SoulDivez's long-term goals and visions for the future, and how do you plan to achieve them?

Our vision is to influence the education system so that such important topics are integrated into everyday school life. These competencies are crucial for creating new structures and results in working life. We plan to draw attention to the importance of our work through cooperation and public relations and to bring about long-term change in the education system.


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