Patrick Marc Sommer ist strategischer Kopf von Typoint. Zuvor hat er fünf Jahre das Designstudio Langesommer mitgeleitet. Über viele Jahre hinweg formte er Partnerschaften mit Persönlichkeiten, die heute zusammen in neue Projekte aufbrechen.
Unterstützt von einem eingespielten Netzwerk aus Texter*innen, Illustrator*innen und Entwickler*innen entsteht für jedes Projekt ein individuelles Team, das genau auf Ihre Anforderungen abgestimmt ist.
Wir legen Wert auf einen funktionalen Gestaltungsansatz, der Botschaften auf den Punkt bringt und eine klare Strategie verfolgt.
We always keep up with the times and are constantly expanding our knowledge in order to offer you the best quality. Our passion doesn't end with design. Since 2017, our design conference has been dedicated to”FURE — The Future of Reading“the fascinating world of reading in the future. Every year, we bring together speakers from various fields who present their current views in front of around 250 participants and encourage discussion.
Patrick is co-organizer of the talk series”Ignite — Inspiration and New Ideas for Tomorrow's Evolution”, which deals with future and social issues. In our column in the graphics magazine “Shaping the Future,” we shed light on the compelling connection between design and future trends.
As co-author of the book”The ABC of typography“Patrick shares his comprehensive knowledge of the basics of typography and is also a member of the board of” Creatives for Futures”.
We worked for the following companies, among others:
We moderated the FURE conference in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2023. In 2018, we curated talks at Forward Festival Munich and led workshops at TYPO Berlin on “Typestories,” “Braille,” “Book Cover Design,” and “Hebrew Calligraphy.” We also gave presentations at the Creative Paper Conference and at the Apple Store in Berlin, among others.
Patrick hatte die Ehre, Mitglied der Jury zu sein für: Die Schönsten Deutschen Bücher, Förderpreis für junge Buchgestaltung und European Design Award.